BSMSA Level 3 Certificate in Medical Word Processing

BSMSA Level 3 Certificate in Medical Word Processing

Aimed at:
  • existing NHS/private practice staff
  • return workers
  • mature students
  • anyone considering a career as a medical secretary or administrator. 

This course content is in line with the City and Guilds level 3 AMSPAR Certificate syllabus and can be placed toward the full medical administration courses word processing unit. 

Course content: Consists of learning material, self assessment tasks and mentor marked assignments. It is broken down into 6 parts and assignments to complete. Once the course work is completed you will move onto a mock assignment and then onto the final timed assignment. 

The course is run over 2 months with assignment based tasks.

Course objectives: To gain full knowledge of Microsoft office word within medical environment including all formatting, mail merges, templates, tables, graphs, mail shots alongside key operational information.

Course assessment and delivery:

Available via distance learning with full mentor support. Course work is delivered direct from the mentor. The mentor is there to provide course work, additional information and advice on study skills, guidance and support as well as marking all assignments.
Syllabus specific dictations

Final assessment: Once all units and mock tasks have been completed, a final exam assignment will be undertaken. This will cover all unit contents and will be a mentor marked final assessment and evaluation. This is done virtually in a timed environment.

Course to be completed within 4 months maximum or further charges will be incurred

Course fees include:
  • Course registration
  • Course material
  • Completion certificate
  • Exam fee
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